Environmental Justice

GRID Alternatives is at the forefront of building stronger communities by continuing its mission to make renewable energy technology and job training accessible to underserved communities worldwide. We are in a pivotal time right now, and in order to rebuild and sustain solar jobs post Covid-19, we need to align with environmental advocates and push for legislation to strengthen our economy and establish policy that will be critical to the continued success of GRID’s mission.

What’s clear is that the climate crisis and racism are parts of a larger picture that has prevented us from evolving in the ways we think about energy. We’ve needed to take collective action to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for a long time, and, without it, there have been catastrophic human consequences, especially for communities of color around the world.

Making clean energy equitable is critical for racial justice and racial justice is critical to building sustainable, resilient communities. As we continue to advance our mission of clean energy for all, we are doing internal work as an organization and as individuals to be actively anti-racist.

Uneven playing field

“Employers do background checks — and no one is hiring an ex-felon. That alone is enough to discourage someone from applying to jobs,” said Wells, who had to start his solar career at temp agencies or “mom and pop” installers because “nine times out of ten they don’t screen — but nine times out of ten they don’t pay either — or you don’t have benefits.”

Wells had to go through temp agencies — “getting hired through the temp agency and working at the same company that denied you — while getting paid $14 per hour instead of $20 per hour.”

This year, Interconnection went online for the first time ever. Instead of gathering in San Francisco, we were able to broadcast our speakers and honorees directly to people’s living rooms. Although we missed seeing everyone in person, it was a wonderful opportunity to connect remotely with our GRID family across the globe - nearly 200 households tuned in to watch the live event!

U.S. clean-energy organizations joined nationwide expressions of grief and anger this week following the recent killings of black Americans including George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery.

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) lamented continuing racial inequities in the U.S., suggesting they would redouble efforts on diversifying the renewables workforce and consider how their industries can stand against racial injustice.