
On Wednesday, December 9th GRID Alternatives Mid-Atlantic office successfully installed our 50th solar system! The proud client, Darlene Jackson, couldn’t be happier to be making a positive impact to her local community and environment. Ms. Jackson was born and raised in the District and moved into her historical home in 1996.

 GRID GLA Volunteer Marc Spohn wrote to us to share his experience with the GRID family. With his permission, we have excerpted a portion here.

Second Chances Really Do Matter

On May 02, 2013, I was a life prisoner who had no reasonable expectation of regaining a spot in the real world. I lived in the world of prisoners and had for a long time. On May 03, 2013, I was released into the world. I believed I would not be released. I needed to make amends to the people I betrayed; to myself and to society & the universe.

Five years ago, Rosana Francescato found herself on a construction site surrounded by unfamiliar tools, gleaming solar panels, and countless GRID-tee-shirt-clad volunteers. She landed there after hearing GRID co-founder and CEO Erica Mackie speak at a green networking event about the upcoming Bay Area Solarthon, GRID's signature fundraiser and solar 'block party.' Eager to get out of the office and experience solar first-hand, Rosana signed herself up.
GRID Alternatives’ Bay Area team is excited to announce that this year’s Bay Area Solarthon will take place in Richmond, CA on September 26th! Solarthon is GRID’s flagship community installation event, bringing together homeowners, volunteers, corporate sponsors and job-trainees to install solar for multiple low-income families in one day. This year, GRID is proud to host our second Solarthon in Richmond CA, a diverse and historically-rich community in the East Bay that while once was a center of industry, is now best known for high rates of crime, poverty, and pollution.