
Do you know someone who is considering changing careers? If so, one of the fastest growing segments of the Inland Empire economy is solar. According a study commissioned by Next 10 and reported by the Riverside Press Enterprise, state climate policies have driven $9 billion in direct economic benefits and supported 41,000 jobs in the Inland Empire over the last seven years. The demand continues for skilled workers as there are currently over 80 positions for solar related jobs open in the Inland Empire.
Welcome to the next installment of our new Staff Spotlight feature, where we share a brief interview to introduce you to some of our amazing staff members here at GRID Bay Area! This month we’d like to introduce you to our Volunteerism & Development Fellow, Maranatha "Javi" Javines. Javi may root for the Dodgers, but they have a strong passion for making a direct social and environmental impact on the local community here in the Bay Area. Both in the field and behind the scenes, Javi is working to make the GRID volunteer experience as inclusive, meaningful and smooth as possible. Keep checking back to meet more fabulous GRID Bay Area staffers!

Thanks to our awesome volunteers...

Here is what we accomplished in 2016 in the CC:

130 Systems Installed

480 kW Installed

$4.5 million savings for homeowners - over life of system

9,352 tons of Greenhouse Gas Emissions prevented

1,790 cars off the road

202 Volunteers trained