
En un estado donde el 30% de la población es de habla hispana, y siendo GRID una organización que provee servicios a muchas comunidades de habla hispana, los miembros de GRID Juan Bernal, Melissa Bergsneider and Luis Amar se dieron cuenta que algo faltaba en nuestros programas del Área de la Bahía: una manera para que nuestra comunidad de voluntarios, aprendices y clientes de habla hispana puedan participar en instalaciones solares de GRID completamente en su lengua natal.

California State University, Fresno, (CSUF) has been committed to improving students education while helping the community in the Central Valley. Every year, thousands of students choose to volunteer in many different ways, giving back to the community. According to the Jan and Bud Richter Center for Community Engagement and Service-Learning, CSUF has provided over one million hours of service here in California’s central valley.

“We see a great need to include traditionally underrepresented groups into the solar industry,” - Melissa Bergsneider, SolarCorps Fellow and one of the team members spearheading an initiative to offer Spanish language solar installation instruction at GRID. Learn more about Melissa’s vision and our first successful Spanish language solar installation for the Villa Family in Menlo Park.