The North Valley view at Interconnection

GRID hosts Interconnection, their annual fundraiser and celebration supporting it’s work to bring solar power and solar jobs to communities in the Bay Area and beyond. This year’s Interconnection event was attended by Krista Gray and Alisha Sellers from the North Valley office; they shared their thoughts on the evening. Krista, our Executive Assistant in Chico, has attended before, but came away with some new perspectives. “It was great to celebrate GRID's achievements among our environmental and economic justice leaders. Not to mention I got to see a mural by one of my favorite artists, Diego Rivera!  Nonetheless, the most memorable moment of the evening for me was during the speaking program when GRID staff member David Andrade (GLA) outlined his re-entry into society, from prison to a solar career with GRID. That moment was very impactful; to be reminded of the difference we are making in people's lives and the influential marks we are making in our region and nation towards environmental justice and accessibility.”


It was the first Interconnection for Alisha, our Sacramento-based Communications Associate, and a newer GRID staffer. "The speakers were so powerful, but the speech from Aura Vasquez, Commissioner of the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, was mind blowing. She acknowledged her father and talked about the impact of her being a government leader in her community in Colombia. I appreciated her saying it gave her a sense of belonging and leadership. She creates solutions for renters, first time homeowners and folks who are one paycheck away from being homeless. She gives a voice to those who are voiceless; she was very inspiring.”