Job Training

Getting out into the field with GRID Alternatives is always a highlight of the school week for students at Yosemite High School in Merced, but this week, it had extra meaning. Not only were the students working side-by-side with students from the Merced Adult School to install solar for a former Adult School classmate, but they also got a visit from State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Torlakson.
GRID Bay Area is thrilled to announce that our first Women In Solar (WIS) intensive training was a huge success! The program was a part of GRID’s WIS initiative – a national push to build a strong and sustainable solar industry through greater inclusion of women’s voices, talent and leadership, as the industry's workforce is currently only 23.9% female. Over the local two week training program, GRID was proud to see women with a diverse set of backgrounds (from veteran to veterinarian!) come together to form a rockin' 10 woman team.