Job Training

Imagine you wake up early in the morning, stretch, go on a five-mile run, and then listen to a motivational speaker for a half an hour inspiring you to live your life to the fullest; all before the rest of the world is at work. You would feel empowered, motivated, and accomplished, right? This is how the organization Run Hope Work empowers youth to become their best selves physically and emotionally, all while providing hands-on training to boost their resume skills in order to find a job.
“I’ve never done anything like it,” is how Tysean described his experience installing solar with GRID Alternatives. Tysean is part of the Montgomery County Conservation Corps, a branch of the Lati American Youth Center (LAYC), a group that helps youth obtain their GED while giving them experience in different career fields. This was GRID’s second time working with the LAYC, and it was our pleasure to host Tysean and three other job trainees in our DC office for a week.
“I love nature and believe it is our responsibility to take care of it” states Nichol Conigliaro. Nichol is a Navy veteran and recent graduate from the job training program, Proteus Inc. “I learned about GRID Alternatives through Proteus. I had such a great time with everyone and loved that we were a team” stated Nichol.
Mark Welch Jr.’s volunteer experience with GRID Alternatives began in October of 2015. “Wanting to change my life around, the decision to attend the volunteer orientation was the start to a new beginning. A few years ago, I was in a dark place in my life and hung around with the wrong crowd. It was tough” stated Mark.