Job Training

After six whirlwind weeks of solar installations, workshops, trainings, canvassing and hot, hot weather, the Department of Energy and the Environment’s (DOEE) Green Zone Solar Plus Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) has drawn to a close. GRID Alternatives Mid-Atlantic was proud to lead, train and provide new experiences and opportunities to the 15 Green Zone job trainees.
After working 20 years in the food service business, Doug Hackett felt unenthused and discontent with the lack of upward mobility in the industry. So when he saw a posting on Craigslist about Rising Sun Energy Center, a leading green training, employment, and residential efficiency organization based out of Berkeley, he jumped at the chance to turn his career in a new direction with Rising Sun and, ultimately, with GRID Alternatives Bay Area.
Everyone was standing under the shade of the trees to stay out of the scorching sun. When Tommy Wells of DC’s Department of Energy and the Environment (DOEE) started speaking, groups gathered close together under tents to hear him introduce the signing of the Renewable Portfolio Energy Standard Expansion Act of 2016 (RPS), which was introduced by Councilmember Mary Cheh and was signed into law on July 25th, 2016, by DC Mayor Muriel Bowser.

The District of Columbia will now join the ranks of states with aggressive renewable energy targets, such as California, New York and, more recently, Oregon. A month after the District of Columbia Council unanimously approved legislation to target 50% renewables, Bowser signed the legislation and gave a preview of the city's plan to turn it into a boon for both employment and the environment.

"I am so grateful for this opportunity. More importantly - it's a win-win-win for everybody," said Theresa Jones, homeowner in Baltimore City, after just having solar installed on her home. Ms. Jones addressed a crowd of people gathered in her backyard, all huddled under tents in order to stay out of the summer’s blazing sun. Ms. Jones’ solar installation was the site of a Memorandum of Understanding signing by the City of Baltimore, Maryland Clean Energy Center, and the US Department of Energy (US DOE) to commit to finding long-term solutions for financing low-income solar in Baltimore. GRID Alternatives was thrilled to host the occasion marking this important step in making solar energy accessible to everyone.