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It has been a good week for 74-year-old Leonard Wills, an Army Vet who has lived in Baltimore just about his whole life. On Tuesday, he was recognized by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake as one of Batimore’s “Top Neighborhood Dads” an annual honor given to “strong and dedicated Baltimore men who play an active role in making their communities better, safer, and stronger.” And on Thursday he stood in front of cameras again as a solar pioneer, the first in East Baltimore’s C.A.R.E. community to go solar with GRID Alternatives thanks to a 10-home pilot, in partnership with the city, that also includes cool roof installations and a battery back-up system on the local community center.

How does your donation make a difference?

Who are you helping?

How will your money be used? 

We understand these concerns just as we understand the concerns of our clients. Each month we want to share with you a story of how GRID Alternatives is helping a family or person take one more step towards their goals!

Below are our One More Campaign: Stories of the Month. Each story highlights a different aspect of what GRID offers the San Diego community, with the help of people like you!


Legislators, administration officials and community groups gathered at a live GRID solar installation in Sacramento to highlight the state’s partnership with GRID to expand clean energy access to disadvantaged communities. Using proceeds from the state’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF)--a fund created through California's cap and trade program--we will install rooftop solar for more than 1,600 families through 2016.

On April 18th and 19th Cal Poly’s Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) joined GRID Alternatives Central Coast to install solar for two low-income families residing in King City.  These were the 4th and 5th installs for SHPE during the last two years.  Over the weekend, SHPE students installed 4.34 Kilowatts of capacity, adding to a total of 9.84 Kilowatts installed by SHPE Students so far!  These solar systems will provide significant environmental impacts by offsetting 257 tons of greenhouse gasses, t

Often referred to as “Charm City”, Baltimore is the site of GRID Alternatives’ next set of solar installations, where we hope to sprinkle a little of our charm. Through support from the Abell Foundation and partnering with the City of Baltimore Office of Sustainability and Civic Works, we will launch in Baltimore this June, bringing solar power to ten homes in the CARE Community.