Job Training

GRID Alternatives Central Coast wants to thank all of our supporters who attended the 45th annual Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival! Our crew headed out to Alameda Park in Santa Barbara the weekend of April 18 and 19 to spread the word about our mission to make renewable energy technology and job training accessible to underserved communities. We set up a booth in the Live Green section of the park where we engaged hundreds of people in dialogue about our vision of a successful transition to clean, renewable energy that includes everyone.

GRID Alternatives Central Coast is doing some amazing work helping local community members gain access to solar energy! We bring together community partners, volunteers and job trainees to implement solar power and energy efficiency for low-income families, providing energy cost savings, valuable hands-on experience and a source of clean, local energy that benefits us all. Our latest program, Youth in Solar, aims to engage disadvantaged youth ages 16-21 in our solar installation training program to provide solar education and hands-on experience with the goal being to set them on a path towards a promising future.
Cody recently completed his first day as a GRID volunteer where he is continuing the hands-on job training that first inspired him to get into the industry. He volunteers along like-minded individuals that are sharpening their knowledge and skills, and even professionals that just want to give back to the community. Through his studies at COD and his training experience with GRID, Cody hopes to become a solar designer.

AmeriCorps Volunteers In Service To America (VISTA) was founded in 1965 as a national service program to fight poverty in America. With passion, commitment, and hard work, VISTA members create or expand programs designed to bring individuals and communities out of poverty.  AmeriCorps VISTA utilizes the skills, talents and passion of more than 7,000 members annually to support community efforts to assist the more than 46 million Americans living in poverty.