
As the morning fog cleared on Saturday June 9th, the sun shined out over 100 volunteers on the rooftops and homes at Atchison Village in Richmond as a part of GRID Bay Area’s 13th Annual Solarthon event. The 2018 Solarthon, GRID’s annual solar installation block party and fundraiser, was a huge success: community volunteers, executives from the solar industry, solar clients and residents of Atchison Village, and local job trainees all came together to successfully install for 19 families in one day and take part in a celebration of Richmond's bright future!
Below is a guest blog from Barbara Postel, a resident of the Atchison Village community where GRID held it’s 13th Annual Solarthon event. Barbara, whose solar system had been installed prior to the event, spent her Saturday giving back to GRID alongside the team of Solar Champions who had fundraised in support of the event. We are so lucky to have amazing people like you in the GRID family, Barbara!

Solarthon, a solar installation block party and fundraiser is an annual event held by GRID Alternatives. It is a wonderful way for GRID staff and volunteers to get together and help a local community while also raising funds to continue the work that we do.

As part of our annual Central Valley Solarthon, which was held this year in the City of Orange Cove on December 2nd, representatives from Bank of America presented a check in the amount of $500,000 to support our GRID Alternatives SolarCorps Fellowship Program.  SolarCorps Fellows come from various backgrounds and parts of the country; this program provides hand-on experience in the field of solar photovoltaics as well as builds administrative skills, program knowledge and work experience in numerous renewable energy job categories.