Press Releases

South LA Eco-Lab is a collective of local organizations aiming to transform South Los Angeles into a model of sustainability and resilience. With the support of the Transformative Climate Communities Program, this collaborative effort will introduce groundbreaking projects focused on environmental improvement and community empowerment. The initiative will plant 6,000 shade and fruit trees, install solar roofs and EV charging stations, expand car-sharing and the LADOT e-bike library, provide free Metro passes to 10k+ eligible residents, provide free tenant rights workshops, and more.
GRID Alternatives (GRID) will host a free solar installation clinic on Saturday, April 27th, from 3 - 4 PM (PDT) at Pacoima City Hall, which is located at 13520 Van Nuys Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 91331 *Free parking is available in the Pacoima City Hall basement garage.
GRID Alternatives (GRID), the nation's leading non-profit provider of community-led renewable energy solutions, is thrilled to announce that it has been selected to receive two Solar for All program grants from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
GRID Alternatives has been accredited by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) for its Installations Basics Training 200 Program, which provides hands-on training to entry-level solar installers. GRID's IREC Accreditation will be held at Headquarters, with Central Valley being the first affiliate to secure accreditation. The accreditation is valid for five years. Once certification has been secured, GRID will continue applying to add additional affiliates to become accredited training providers until all affiliates have earned IREC accreditation.
GRID Alternatives is hosting the RE+ Southeast Clean Energy Job Fair in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday, April 18th, 10 am - 1 pm EST at Georgia World Congress Center 285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30313 The Clean Energy Job Fair will bring diverse job seekers with industry expertise and transferable skills, and the best solar and clean energy employers in the region under one roof, to connect and learn about all that the booming Southeast Clean Energy industry has to offer!
GRID Alternatives (GRID) and Empowered by Light (EBL) have partnered to launch a one-year pilot solar workforce development program in Juncos, Puerto Rico. The program seeks to train 60 people during the first year using GRID’s Installation Basics Training (IBT) curriculum, which consists of three weeks and 120 hours of interactive classroom learning and hands-on solar training labs. Job trainees gain new occupational skill sets, experience with practical solar applications, and opportunities for a new career path.