
“When Hurricane Sandy hit I was at home finishing up dinner. I looked out the door and saw the water coming up my street. I called my neighbor who had a two-story house and said, ‘I’m coming over with the cat.’”

Helen Wilson, a 13-year resident of Union Beach, soon realized that she, like so many other families in this hard-hit town, would not be going home again. But now, 18 months later, Wilson is getting ready to move into a brand new, solar-powered home.

All last week, Certified B Corps around Colorado, the United States and the world came together to give back to their local communities as part of a global “Be the Change in our Communities” effort.

Gregory Willis, a Marine Corps Veteran, retired in the same Compton neighborhood he grew up in and he’s seen a lot of change: What used to be farmland is now housing as far as the eye can see, and the high school down the road was a horse stable where he rode with his dad back in the 1950’s. And now, with brand new solar panels on his roof, he’s leading a change of his own.

PG&E is a big supporter of solar energy.  This March PG&E is planning on celebrate its 100,000th rooftop solar installation!  On Thursday February 20th, a team of PG&E employee volunteers joined GRID Alternatives staff to install 17 solar panels for a local low-income family in Yuba City, CA.   “A big part of our effort here reflects the commitment we have to our community,” said Paul Moreno, a PG&E spokesperson.  “We’re supportive of renewable energy.”