
This month, we celebrated the Grand Welcoming of Mutual Housing at Spring Lake, Phase II. Mutual Housing at Spring Lake has gained international attention as the first federally certified Zero Net Energy rental housing development in the United States - and it's affordable. We partnered with Mutual Housing California to install a solar electric system for the second phase of their Spring Lake affordable housing development. 

June is National Homeownership Month, and this offers a great opportunity to reflect on the impact that homeownership has on household wealth, neighborhood stability and the nation's broader economic health. GRID has a unique opportunity to interact with homeowners in our community on a regular basis. One of our most recent clients, Patricia, shared with us about how she’s utilizing her savings from going solar with GRID. She’s a customer service employee with SMUD of South Sacramento and is the sole provider for a family of 4.

One night late from work Juan, Hermila’s husband heard the heart wrenching, but suppressed cry of his very tough eleven-year-old daughter Diana. The very next day, Juan took the day off work and drove 90 miles to the nearest children’s hospital. The diagnosis revealed an advanced case Ewing Sarcoma, a painful bone cancer.